Royal College of Midwives

The Royal College of Midwives are located in the home of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), alongside a number of other women’s health organisations.

The RCOG building is a converted 19th-century hop warehouse and a 1980s office building, joined by a striking helical staircase, located in Union Street, London Bridge.

The Heritage Collections include both the RCOG and RCM collections, and together uniquely cover the history of obstetrics, gynaecology and midwifery.

The accredited Archive contains papers discussing the foundation of both Colleges, case books, clinical guidelines, photographs. The Museum has a remarkable collection of obstetric forceps, from the secret early 17th century Chamberlen instruments, re-discovered in an attic in 1813, to those used today. Paintings and sculptures depicting personalities and scenes related to the specialties form an important part of the collection. A rare books collection contains landmark medical publications spanning 500 years.

The RCOG and RCM Museum can be visited by pre-booking a guided tour. Research appointments to view material can also be made by prior appointment – please see our website for details, or contact us at [email protected]